Tenants’ Employment Relations in Chittoor District

   This study was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

The research design of the study – a Mixed-Methods Study. 

This webpage enables you to get hold of intermediate and final outputs of the project which ran from 2004-8 under Global Poverty Research Group.

We also had funding from the ESRC under the seminar series and research group on Unfree Labour 2009-2011.

Related web sites include the Heterodox Economics website www.hetecon.net and the Political Economy Research Group website at the University of Manchester,


When you click a link below, a number appears called a DOI number, and these are like web addresses.  You explore on the web using http:\\  and that DOI number.*

            A Critical Appraisal of Aspiration Problems in Indian MicroFinance (Morgan and Olsen, Capital & Class)

            A different interpretation we published in the Journal of Developing Societies has more background material on microfinance.

            CASE MATERIAL:  Bonded Labour Case Studies – in English.  All From Andhra Pradesh.

Three cases are described in this hypertext document.  For each, photos, interview extracts and Case Attributes (a Table) are provided via hyperlinks.


Play the Background Music (MP3 format)       |       Papers on Moral Economy (JournEconMeth), Pluralism (JDevStud),

|    and on Complex Moral Reasoning and Tenancy (for CambJournEcon)

                                                            | How institutions are malleable through mezzorules in rural areas (IntlRevSoc)

                                                            | The institutional change and transformability approach, in economic terms (JOInstEcon)

                                                            | Social structures underpinning unfree labour are changeable – but how!? (submitted paper)

                                                            | Child labour conference paper showing strong positive relationship with the production of tradeable goods

Case Attributes of the Three People Showcased

Here – Case Attributes from NVIVO – a quick glimpse…

Link here to a full webpage of QCA downloads – this includes a huge .nvp sample file! ANONYMISED.

Case 1 – Praveena


Photo of HerExtract from English version of interview transcript 

Introductory material

Case 2 – Bangarappa

Introductory material

Digital tape recording of his long interview



Case 3 – Yasmeen

Photo of her Being Interviewed at Night -

Photo of Her

Introductory material about Yasmeen

Digital tape recording of her long interview (wma format)



Brief Social Class Mobility Analysis

Case Study Paper on Habitus

Case Study Paper on Aspirations (ICOMFI)

Case Study Paper on Strategies (AJSS)

Case Study on Theory of Strategies (submitted paper)


Concluding Discussion

2007 Presentations on the Habitus (Olsen-Neff), and on Policies Affecting Tenants


Click here to see a Sky Dish in the Village setting!

(IThe dish was broken at the time of the photo, 2007.)

Click here to visit the Global Poverty Research Group Website for publications.

Click here to see some photos which are about the field research and the researchers.


Click here to understand a little bit more of the kind of ethics that was applied in the case-study research.

(The link is to a book review of S. Fuller’s book.)

Click here to see Wendy Olsen’s homepage with other Downloadable files.



The project was conducted by Wendy Olsen and is a project of the Work & Employment Research Methods Group, University of Manchester.  The research assistance of Victor Ortet, J. Rangaswamy, D. Neff, D. Aktawalla, and Tejokiran is gratefully acknowledged.  


* The copyright laws carefully circumscribe how one gets hold of journal articles from mainstream publishers.  In particular, one needs to be a member of a University or purchase a subscription to get most of the material cited here.  These laws protect the ability of the companies to exist as a mediator between authors and audiences, and the publishing companies manage a strong peer-review system that ensures high-quality publications.  In so far as it is possible, I have cited Working Papers and open-access materials to enable your access.  Any questions?  Just write me on wendy.olsen@manchester.ac.uk.